
My ultimate goal is to create tapestries that are visually appealing, structurally sound, and emotionally engaging. I strive to create tapestries that are unique and tell a story – whether it is a personal story or a story of universal themes. By combining my design, weaving, and fiber exploration, I strive to create pieces that are meaningful, long-lasting, and beautiful.

I am inspired by the emotions that come from living in a time of rapid change and uncertainty. My art often explores themes of identity, relationships, and social justice, and I use color, texture, and abstract shapes to express these ideas. Through my art, I hope to create a space for reflection, understanding, and dialogue.

The thoughts and my personal inner space are often placed into real landscapes that left a significant imprint in my life. I find that when I am in a natural setting, I can tap into a deeper level of awareness and understanding. Observing the beauty of nature helps me connect to the inner wisdom that lies within.